The DIC has different displays which can be accessed by using the DIC buttons on the turn signal lever on the left side of the steering wheel. The DIC displays trip, fuel, and warning messages if a system problem is detected. See Trip Computer and Vehicle Messages.
DIC Buttons
1. SET/CLR: Press to set or clear the menu item displayed. This is not used to reset the trip odometer. To reset the trip odometer, use the reset button on the tachometer in the instrument cluster.
2. (Band): Turn the band to scroll
through the menu items.
3. MENU: Press to display the DIC menus. This button is also used to return to or exit the last screen displayed on the DIC.
Front Side Door Window Switch Replacement (Left Side)
Front Side Door Window Switch Replacement
Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Remove the front side door window switch bezel. Refer to Front Side Door
Window Switch Bezel Replacement.
Intake Manifold Installation (1.6L LDE)
Clean the sealing surfaces.
Insert the NEW gasket.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution.
Install the intake manifold (2) and the 7 intake manifold bolts (1) and
tighten to 20 Y (15 lb ft).
Install the intake manifold supp ...
Main Shaft Disassemble (Gen 1)
Table 1:
1st Gear Removal
Table 2:
1st Gear Blocking Rings Removal
Table 3:
1st and 2nd Gear Synchronizer Hub Retaining Ring
Table 4:
1st and 2nd Gear Synchronizer Hub and 2nd Gear
Table 5:
2nd Gear Bearing Remova ...