Stations from all bands can be stored in any order in the favorite pages.
Up to five stations can be stored in each of the seven favorites pages.
Storing Stations
To store the station to a position in the list, press the corresponding button 1−5 until a beep is heard.
1. Select the desired station.
2. Press < or > to select the desired page of saved favorites.
3. Hold down any of the preset buttons to save the current radio station to that button of the selected favorites page.
To change a preset button, tune to the new desired radio station and hold the button.
Disc Brake System Description and Operation
System Component Description
The disc brake system consists of the following components:
Disc Brake Pads
Applies mechanical output force from the hydraulic brake calipers to
friction surfaces of brake rotors.
Disc Brake Rotors
Uses mechanical output force ap ...
Clutch and Differential Housing Assemble
Special Tools
R-0007761 Universal Handle for Pullers and Installers
R-0407009 Countershaft Front Bearing Driver
R-0407010 Input Shaft Needle Bearing Puller and Driver
R-0407014 Gearshift Device Bushing Driver ?#8201;Use with R-0007761
S-9707500 Axle Shaft Seal Installer
For ...
Transmission Assemble (Gen 1)
Special Tools
3-9506289 Universal Adapter
R-0007758 Holding Fixture
S-9407197 Differential Rotating Tool
S-9407198 Differential Bearing Race Wrench
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.
Install the clutch and differential housing assembly (1)
onto ...