Clearcoat Repair without Repainting
Repair Procedure
Thoroughly wash the repair area with Liquid Wash and Wax GM?€‰P/N?€‰1052870
or the equivalent.
Environmental damage may be corrected. Refer to Environmental Fallout
(Acid Rain) or Rail Dust Damage Repair.
Important: Follow all of the instruc ...
Parking Brake Cable Replacement (Drum Brake)
Removal Procedure
Remove the front floor console. Refer to Front Floor Console Replacement.
Ensure that the parking brake lever is in the fully released position.
Using ONLY HAND TOOLS, remove the adjusting nut (1) from the end of
the front park bra ...
Input, Reaction, and Output Carrier Assemble (Gen 1)
Input, Reaction, and Output Carrier Assemble
Component Name
3? Reverse and 4?? Clutch Housing Assembly
Reaction Carrier Sun Gear Thrust Bearing
Reacti ...