Chevrolet Sonic manuals

Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual: Clutch and Differential Housing Cleaning and Inspection

Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual / Powertrain / Transmission/Transaxle / Manual / General / Clutch and Differential Housing Cleaning and Inspection


    Wear safety glasses to avoid injury when using compressed air or any cleaning solvent. Bodily injury may occur if fumes are inhaled or if skin is exposed to chemicals.

  1. Clean the clutch housing (1) with a suitable solvent. Air dry all the parts.
  2. Inspect the clutch housing for the following conditions:
  • Inspect the machined mating surfaces for flatness. Check the mating surfaces with a straight edge.
  • Inspect the bearing bores for wear, scratches or grooves.
  • Inspect the bushings for excessive wear. Replace worn bushings.
  • Use a fine mill file to dress minor scratches or burrs.
  • If scratches, or grooves or scoring cannot be removed by hand with a soft stone or crocus cloth, replace the component.
  • Clutch and Differential Housing Assemble
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