Chevrolet Sonic manuals

Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual: Fuel Pump Control Module Programming and Setup

The fuel pump control module must be programmed with the proper calibration software. The module stores and utilizes this information however if it is not properly configured with the correct calibration software, the fuel pump control module will not control all of the vehicle features properly.

Ensure that the following conditions exist in order to prepare for fuel pump control module programming:

  1. The battery is fully charged.
  2. The MDI data link connectors are secure.
  3. The scan tool is loaded with the most current software version.
  4. All disconnected modules and devices are reconnected securely.
  5. This entire procedure has been reviewed before proceeding.

Do not reprogram the fuel pump control module unless directed by a service procedure or a service bulletin.

Fuel Pump Control Module Programming

To program and setup an existing or new replacement fuel pump control module, perform the following procedure:

  1. Access the Service Programming System (SPS) and follow the on-screen instructions.
  2. On the SPS Supported Controllers screen, select FPCM Fuel Pump Flow Control Module - Programming and follow the on-screen instructions.

If the fuel pump control module fails to accept the program, verify all scan tool and fuel pump control module connections are secure.


After programming is completed, perform the following to avoid future misdiagnosis:

  1. Turn the Vehicle OFF for 10 seconds.
  2. Open and close the door.
  3. Connect the scan tool to the data link connector.
  4. Vehicle in Service Mode, engine OFF.
  5. Clear all DTC? from all modules.
Fuel Control

Air Metering/Acceleration

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