When you are doing this check, the vehicle could begin to move. You or others could be injured and property could be damaged. Make sure there is room in front of the vehicle in case it begins to roll. Be ready to apply the regular brake at once should the vehicle begin to move.
Park on a fairly steep hill, with the vehicle facing downhill. Keeping your foot on the regular brake, set the parking brake.
Contact your dealer if service is required.
Personalization Menu (Radio with Touchscreen)
Settings can be made with the ignition ON and the vehicle not moving.
Use the audio system controls to access the personalization menus for customizing
vehicle features.
The following are all possible personalization features. Depending on the vehicle,
some may not be available.
(Home): Pres ...
Rear Compartment Lid Hinge Torque Rod Replacement
Rear Compartment Lid Hinge Torque Rod Replacement
Component Name
Warning: Refer to Hood Hold-Open Device Warning.
Preliminary Procedure
Open and support the rear compartment lid.
Special Tools
BO-125 ...
Drive Range, Fifth Gear Default (Gen 1)
If the transmission encounters an electrical component malfunction, the transmission
will default to Fifth gear. All solenoids will default to their normal state. If
the torque converter clutch is applied, it will release. The transmission will remain
in Drive Range?Fifth Gear Default until th ...