Chevrolet Sonic manuals

Chevrolet Sonic Owner's Manual: Used Replacement Wheels


Replacing a wheel with a used one is dangerous. How it has been used or how far it has been driven may be unknown. It could fail suddenly and cause a crash. When replacing wheels, use a new GM original equipment wheel.

Wheel Replacement
Replace any wheel that is bent, cracked, or badly rusted or corroded. If wheel nuts keep coming loose, the wheel, wheel bolts, and wheel nuts should be replaced. If the wheel leaks air, replace it ...

Tire Chains
Warning Do not use tire chains. There is not enough clearance. Tire chains used on a vehicle without the proper amount of clearance can cause damage to the brakes, suspension, or other vehicle pa ...

Other materials:

Cooling System
The cooling system allows the engine to maintain the correct working temperature. 1.4L L4 Engine 1. Engine Cooling Fan (Out of View) 2. Engine Coolant Surge Tank and Pressure Cap 1.8L L4 Engine 1. Engine Cooling Fan (Out of View) 2. Engine Coolant Surge Tank and Pressure Cap Warning An e ...

Headlining Trim Panel Replacement (Hatchback with Sunroof)
Headlining Trim Panel Replacement Callout Component Name Warning: Do not attempt to repair or alter the head impact energy-absorbing material glued to the headliner or to the garnish trims. If the material is damaged ...

Headlining Trim Panel Replacement (Hatchback without Sunroof)
Headlining Trim Panel Replacement Callout Component Name Warning: Do not attempt to repair or alter the head impact energy-absorbing material glued to the headliner or to the garnish trims. If the material is damaged ...

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