Chevrolet Sonic manuals

Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual: 3-5-Reverse and 4-5-6 Clutch Housing, and Input, Reaction, and Output Carrier Installation

Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual / Powertrain / Transmission/Transaxle / Automatic / General / 3-5-Reverse and 4-5-6 Clutch Housing, and Input, Reaction, and Output Carrier Installation

3-5-Reverse and 4-5-6 Clutch Housing, and Input, Reaction, and Output Carrier Installation


Component Name


3? Reverse and 4?? Clutch Housing Thrust Bearing


2? Clutch Apply Plate (Waved)


2? Clutch Plate (Qty: 1)


  • Only install one 2? Clutch Plate. The remaining clutch plate is installed with the gearset assembly.
  • Align the large flat areas with the valve body end of the case and the 2 tabs on the clutch plate that are close to each other with the slots at the bottom right corner of the case.


3? Reverse and 4?? Clutch Housing Assembly and Gearset


Align the large flat areas of the 2? Clutch Plate with the valve body end of the case and the 2 tabs on the clutch plate that are close to each other with the slots at the bottom right corner of the case.

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