Instrument Panel Accessory Upper Trim Plate Replacement
Instrument Panel Accessory Upper Trim Plate Replacement
Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Remove the instrument panel center molding. Refer to Instrument Panel
Center Molding Replacement.
Thrust Angles Description
The front wheels aim or steer the vehicle. The rear wheels control tracking.
This tracking action relates to the thrust angle (3). The thrust angle is the path
that the rear wheels take. Ideally, the thrust angle is geometrically aligned with
the body centerline (2).
In the i ...
Crankshaft and Bearing Installation
Special Tools
EN-45059 Torque Angle Sensor Kit
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
Note: Inspect the installation position.
Install the crankshaft bearing clips, oil bearing clips.
Install the crankshaft.
Note: Inspect the installation position.